Parution de l’article Interpretation of approximate numerical expressions: Computational model and empirical study

L’article de Sébastien Lefort, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Elisabetta Zibetti, Charles Tijus, Marcin Detyniecki, intitulé Interpretation of approximate numerical expressions: Computational model and empirical study, a été soumis à Elsevier en décembre 2016.

Ci-dessous, le résumé de l’article :

Approximate Numerical Expressions (ANEs) are linguistic expressions in- volving numerical values and referring to imprecise ranges of values, illustrated by examples such as “about 100”. In this paper, a general principle is proposed to interpret uncontextualised ANEs as intervals of denoted values. It is based on an empirically justified combination of characteristics of numerical values, both arithmetical and cognitive, and in particular, taking into account the cognitive salience of numbers. This general principle is instantiated in two computational models that can be extended so as to take into account the applicative context. An empirical study is conducted to assess the performances of the two models, comparing them to state-of-the-art methods, on real interpretations collected through an on-line questionnaire. Results validate the proposed characteristics used to build the models and show that they offer the best performances in es- timating the median interval chosen as representative of the collected intervals.

Isis Truck - 23 décembre 2016 - 16:27

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